What is a connect type
Connect type activities combines a person’s
life experiences to learning, it brings together what the person already knows with what they learn, As Mr. Horton states in
the text connect activities prepare students to use what they have leaned with their everyday
life experiences, he goes on to say that
connect activities bring together
gaps in knowledge.
What type was selected
for this activity?
I choose to use an activity that is based on assessing
children with special needs the assessment is to determine how teachers
can teach children with disabilities,
teacher aim to show special need
children to learn effectively in the classroom no matter what type of disability
that they may have. Children will learn successfully because teacher will be
helpful and well prepared with the resources need for both student and parent
as well as help them go and live a productive life. Special needs students are put into a special education classroom
only if they have disabilities or disorders that prohibit them from being a
traditional classroom with other students. Special education classrooms are
prepared with special learning devices and have fewer students in each
classroom depending on the ratio. Students with physical disabilities and who have
speech or movement problems are placed in a special class where they are able
to get the attention that they require.
Depending on the
needs of the child some children who are disabled are able to be placed inside
the traditional classroom depending on a special needs expert who thinks that
the child would be comfortable around other students. Teachers and schools are
becoming more trained to work together in order to provide a positive
educational experience for children with special needs. It is beneficial for
parents to participate in making decisions and how their children are placed.
Through teamwork schools are able to provide a healthy learning environment for every student. Based off what Feeny
(2010) says inclusive services are based on the convection that children
benefit when they learn from other children together in the classroom.
Previously mainstreaming and integration were used to describe practices that
giving education to students with disabilities inside traditional classrooms. The choice of
activity that I would pick would go with arts and crafts, children with special
needs are able to be as creative as they want to be and have the full
encouragement of from
teacher and other staff. it is best do encourage them with creativeness they are comfortable
with as giving
them task that they find difficult they will only be discouraging to them. Teachers should make
crafts as uncomplicated as they possibly can and fulfill the crafts relating to
the child’s skills. Activities such as finger-painting,
and fruit loop necklaces, are just a few of many activities that used to for students to be creative with and for those students who do not like getting
dirty with the paints we
will offer them
One of the first steps that would be taken in
the process of creating an activity is to produce a needs assessment. A needs assessment
is the best way to determine what weaknesses or strong points that the students
needs, needs assessment are designed to establish what the learners know and
what they need to be taught. This gives learners the opportunity to grow with
new knowledge being taught by the activities that they are doing. The assessment
will have sixteen special students who are in the third grade and assisted by two teachers and
assistants .
What do you know?
Every child
learns in their own style, so finding the right place for the needy child is
very important. There are some students
who learn better in inclusive environments while others need to be placed in a special ed classroom
with the needs assessment teachers are about to gain the knowledge needed to
teach new skills.
What are you trying to measure, determine, or define?
I am trying to determine how students will interact
and communicate with others, as well as figure how a better way to get a
student to learn.
How will you collect
and record information.
Students are observed and then information
will be out in journal for records then used to plan appropriate curriculum for
children with special needs, the assessment will include the child’s developmental areas, physical, social,
cognitive skills s well as their child’s
weakness and strength.
How will you report
the information you collect?
Information is reported on each child from a
journal written up after observation.
Are all interested
groups included in planning and conducting the needs assessment?
Parents, Teachers, Principal, and Special need
expert are included in planning and
performing the assessment
Each individual child is special and being
able to determine what classroom best fits their learning experience is the
main goal of taking the assessment. The objective is place the child where they
can learn and thrive comfortably.